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What are the “Learning Styles” we can observe?

When we start to learn something new, our first concern is naturally with what we are learning. But have you stopped to consider how you learn? How will you approach your new subject? Do you know how effective that approach will be? Have you considered other methods?
What is “Learning”? it is developed by the individual through experience. And it is a relatively permanent change in knowledge, skills, attitude or behaviour that comes through experience. (Henderson, 2017)
“Learning can be shown to have occurred when learners know new facts or can use a new skill. It is continuous lifelong process, best achieved through real-life experience” (Lesmes, Geoffrey and Moody, 2001)

As you can see in the above figure, according to Kolb’s learning cycle there are 4 stages. Namely;
  • Concrete experience
  • Observations and Reflection
  • Formation of abstract concepts and generalizations
  • Testing implications of concepts in new situations

So the learning experience runs in sequence from 1 through to 4 as mentioned above. But different learners will be stronger and weaker using different facets of the cycle. So as a manger in the organization, it is his/her responsibility to identify each employee and delegate the tasks with respectively. In that manner the work out put can be taken maximum. 
Discussing more in learning, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1986a) identify four distinct styles or preferences that people use while learning. They suggest that most of us tend to follow only one or two of these styles and that different learning activities may be better suited to particular styles. Knowing your predominant learning style will help you judge how likely an activity is to be helpful to you.

Activists are people who learn by doing. They like to involve themselves in new experiences, and will ‘try anything once’. They tend to act first and consider the consequences afterwards.
Reflectors learn by observing and thinking about what happened. They like to consider all the possible angles and implications before coming to a considered opinion. They spend time listening and observing, and tend to be cautious and thoughtful.
Theorists like to understand the theory behind the actions. They need models, concepts and facts in order to learn. They like to analyze and synthesize, and feel uncomfortable with subjective judgments.
Pragmatists are keen on trying things out. They look for new ideas that can be applied to the problem in hand. They like to get on with things and tend to be impatient with open-ended discussions; they are practical, down-to-earth people.

Match yours to a learning style;
People show preferences for particular learning styles, and different learning activities are suited to different styles of learning. You are most likely to learn when your learning style and the nature of the activity match. Identifying your learning style will assistance you to give the output of the work best.

So what's your Match?

  • Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1986a) The Manual of Learning Styles, Peter Honey Associates. 
  • Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1986) Learning Styles Questionnaire, Peter Honey Publications Ltd.  
  • Lesmes, J, Rodinson, G and Meedy, S. (2001). Learning preferences and learning styles: a study of Wessex general practice registrars. British Journal of General Practice, [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2017].


  1. Learning styles were developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, based upon the work of Kolb, and they identified four distinct learning styles or preferences: Activist, Theorist; Pragmatist and Reflector. These are the learning approaches that individuals naturally prefer. So what is the best learning style you prefer for a working environment?

    1. To maximize one's own personal learning each learner ought to:
      · Understand their learning style
      · Seek out opportunities to learn using that style

      So in a working environment, each and every personnel has to identify their own learning style. Because since its naturally preferred, you don’t have to practice and sharpen your style. It already is. Also in HR, organization can do MBTI test to see whether person personality map to the job role.

  2. Normally we learn things new to us by undergoing all of these methods. For example, when using a new advanced mobile phone we tend to learn and familiarise with it's features by activist method, or consider working in an organization as a new employee where you tend to learn and familiarise with the environment and decision making of your actions by reflective method. In academic researches facts are proved by theorist method, or if your want to innovate something new you tend to achieve it though pragmatic approach. In all, in our life experience we at different stages and situations have undergone learning new things using all these methods.

    1. Yeah your examples are perfect. So it s best to have identify the learning method and pitch it to the situation accordingly. So that you can be effective in the tasks assigned in the working environment. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Learning styles wrt Honey and Mumford. So you have identified 4 different learning styles. And It is true that if the employee has identified his/her learning style, it is more efficient to the performance. But can he/she learn something new learning style? Will that be effective?

  4. As you mentioned learning is acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create a permanent change in learner's behavior. According to my experience, we use different styles to learn different subjects in different situations. Also,we must include learning principles for more effective learning experience.


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